
Home School Tips

By Kristina Cabral April 17, 2017

As a homeschooling mother to a high school student and preschooler I am faced with having to run 2 classrooms at the same time, and have been asked how I accomplish this. The answer is, it was not easy for the first week, but once I got myself organized and set up my day much like a classroom, it has become the new normal in our home. 

As a home schooling mom I have been asked many times the same questions I had when I first began this journey. So I decided to put together some tips that may be able to help guide you in some of the decisions you will have to make.  Now, remember I am not a professional, I hold no certifications nor do I desire too. The only desire I have is for my children to be taught. I will also add I am an avid supporter of teachers, and I believe they get into it for the same reasons why I am a homeschooling mom. They want to open the minds of children, teach them yes the basic knowledge of Math, Science, History, Reading  or Language Arts BUT more importantly, how to explore the world, how to be creative and how to think. So for these same reasons we have decided to be the educators of our children. But with this came lots of questions. Like how do I start, where do I start, or even, what options are out there for us.

So here are some of my tips: 

1.) Check out Florida Virtual Schools. There are different options for your homeschooling needs and at ZERO cost to you, that I could see (except for internet).

2.)  Understand your county rules on tracking your child's work and end of the year review. They are typically simple, but it is always a good idea to know what will be expected. This is especially important for high school students wanting to enter into college. 

3.) Review your county requirements for after school participation. For example, sports, clubs dances etc...

4.) Join local homeschooling groups, through Facebook or even by contacting your local churches. I have found through these groups, I can ask for advise or simply by reading other mommy's questions and seeing the responses, I have been able to learn about LOTS of different activities or advice and ideas.

5.) Be creative. I have found by incorporating activities with projects my children are retaining the information better and quicker. We use Pintrest, Google and Facebook.

6.) To purchase or not: depending on your teaching approach, needs, and your child, you may look into the different curriculum available to purchase. We have decided to utilize online programs that have minimum monthly fees to use, they track progress and accommodate our child's learning style. But this may not be for everyone, and again this is okay.  This is when those fantastic Home School groups you joined can really help. 

7.) Teacher Planning , for me this is a must. I personally recommend setting your school week a minimum of a week in advance. This way, you are not scrambling for work... Of course every family is different and may only be needed if you do not use a set curriculum. 

8.) Be flexible. I personally ran into the situation where, I started with one program and found it absolutely did not fit my son's needs or learning style. So I changed it. 

and lastly...

9.) Be active. I try to do 1-2 field trips per week. This way we are enjoying the flexibility of being a home schooling family, but also, this is a great opportunity for your child and yourself to do activities hands on. And besides, after a couple of days in the house, who does not want a change in scenery. 

These are not meant to be a guide, just simply some quick tips that I find I share often when I am asked how I started, and they certainly can be added to and I hope you do! Please email me Kristina C with any other tips you may like to share with other families! I would love to share them.  I hope these tips do help! 

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