
Happy Mother's Day

By Kristina Cabral May 11, 2017

With Mothers Day right around the corner, lately I have found myself scouring the online groups chomping at the bit to see what everyone else has planned for this special day.  Thinking to myself what do I want to do for MY day? With my husband who works out of town I have to imagine this day without him in it. So, when envisioning my day and some of the wonderful things I could put in a request for,  I came up with these ideas. But as I nodded and smiled to myself  in excitement , and as I thought of each idea one by one, they were followed by some funny thoughts. Please tell me I am not the only one!!!

Breakfast in Bed: In a bed, past 6:00 am and breakfast all in ONE day?

Mani-Pedi: This sounds so nice, but then I see the pile of dishes soaking in the sink and those old battered tennis shoes, I wear to run around the house and chase my babies.

Brunch: Yes this is more up my alley; I can for sure make this one happen. Left over bagel and a half eaten strawberry with my cold coffee and watered down juice sounds about right. YUM!

Dinner: Well, dinner always starts of looking pretty good, then ends up in a tizzy because someone did not have a nap (or a long enough one), or someone did not like the way his sibling looked (got to love older brothers) at him OR his food. Oh and let’s not forget the dog waiting so patiently (not) for the droppings.

So after thinking of all the great ideas and how they would not work or how they would in reality turn out, I had a moment of brief sadness. And I mean BRIEF because I realized I was not really sad.  I was more disappointed because I could not think of those amazing creative ideas I know I will see posted on social media throughout Mothers Day. Because, as it turns out, for me, exactly how I wanted to spend MY day is exactly how I live everyday… I want to wake up in the morning to sound of my 1 year old calling out “mommy”. The mornings hustle of breakfast requests, food failures and diaper changes. The help I get from my 3 year old who is learning how to “help mommy”. The sounds of my children giggling and screaming (let’s be real, you know they ALL scream),  the chasing and the redirecting while we are outside playing or working in their garden, the meal preps, the naps and the constant requests and the educating of my 16 year old. Not to mention the laundry and the constant cleaning. Which then, finally brings me to the bath time routine, and our night time routine of me rocking my little babies to sleep?  AND then, the exhausted body at the end of the day. Oh how I would not change one part of my day. Well, maybe one spill or mess to clean up. But other than this, I will enjoy each moment with the humans that have made me a Mom. 

Happy Mother's Day to each and everyone of you! And I hope you enjoy your special day exactly as you wish! 

 ***not included in the photo is my eldest daughter who dodges my camera, because she is a grown women living on her own now. 

I would love to hear what your plans are!